
Flick Books : Name the movie from the book cover

Before a book gets a film adaptation, it's the job of the book cover artist to picture it. As soon as the film comes out, the book cover is usually replaced a boring still from the film.

Below are 20 covers of books which were later adapted into films. Can you name the film from the original cover?

book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
book cover
Name the film/book:
Enter the name of the film/book in the box below the picture.
Correct answers will highlight in green as soon as they are typed.
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